Feeling Lonely Abroad (or Anywhere) During Travelling

“I’m feeling lonely.” Most travelers, or anyone really, feel lonely from time to time. Despite the beautiful pictures you see on your social media feeds or travel blogs, loneliness can be a common experience.

However, when loneliness persists, it can become chronic, becoming increasingly challenging to overcome.

Understanding Loneliness

Loneliness isn’t just an emotional state; it can also have severe health implications. According to Psych Central, loneliness triggers serious health risks affecting our endocrine, immune, and cardiovascular systems, and it can even accelerate death.

Research indicates that lonely individuals have an increased risk for various health conditions, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral infections.

Neuroscientist Turhan Canli highlights the long-term effects of loneliness on our genetic inflammatory response, indicating a self-reinforcing, negative emotional spiral.

Loneliness vs. Depression

If you’ve moved to a new city and feel lonely and depressed, it’s essential to differentiate between the two emotions. While studies suggest a link between loneliness and depression, they are not the same.

Loneliness stems from a lack of social interaction, while depression involves a broader spectrum of symptoms affecting mood, behavior, and physical well-being.

Humans inherently require social interaction, making it easy to fall into depression without adequate social support.

However, depression can also hinder one’s ability to connect with others, leading to further loneliness. Understanding which emotion predominates can guide your approach to addressing it.

Navigating Loneliness: Solitude vs. Isolation

It’s crucial to distinguish between loneliness and solitude. Spending time alone isn’t inherently negative; many cherish solitude for introspection and personal growth.

However, loneliness arises when one desires social connection but lacks meaningful interactions. Reframing loneliness as solitude can empower individuals to embrace alone time positively.

The Lonely Expat: Finding Community

Building a social network in a new country can be particularly challenging for expatriates. While social media facilitates communication with friends and family back home, it doesn’t substitute for in-person interactions.

To combat loneliness, expats must actively seek opportunities to connect with others in their local communities.

Identifying places conducive to meeting people, such as community events, clubs, or hobby groups, is crucial for expats seeking social interaction.

Expats can forge meaningful connections by proactively engaging with their surroundings and combat feelings of isolation.

Strategies for Coping with Loneliness

  1. Embrace Social Opportunities: Actively seek out social gatherings and events in your area. Whether joining a sports team, attending a language exchange, or participating in cultural festivals, putting yourself in social settings increases your chances of meeting like-minded individuals.
  2. Utilize Technology Wisely: While social media can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, it can also facilitate connections. Use platforms like Meetup or local expat groups to find events and meetups tailored to your interests.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Recognize that feeling lonely is a common human experience and be kind to yourself during challenging times. Engage in self-care activities that promote emotional well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or creative expression.
  4. Seek Professional Support: If feelings of loneliness persist or significantly impact your daily life, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor. Professional guidance can help you explore underlying factors contributing to loneliness and develop coping strategies.


Many individuals experience loneliness while traveling or living abroad. However, it’s essential to recognize that loneliness is a temporary state that can be addressed proactively.

By reframing loneliness as an opportunity for personal growth and actively seeking out social connections, individuals can overcome feelings of isolation and cultivate a sense of belonging wherever they go.

Remember, you’re not alone in feeling lonely, and resources and support networks are available to help you navigate this challenging experience.


1. Why do I feel lonely while traveling or living abroad?

Feeling lonely while traveling or living abroad can stem from various factors. It often arises from being away from familiar surroundings, friends, and family, leading to isolation. Additionally, cultural differences and language barriers may exacerbate feelings of loneliness, especially for expatriates adjusting to a new environment.

2. Is feeling lonely while traveling normal?

Yes, feeling lonely while traveling is entirely normal and experienced by many individuals, regardless of their destination or travel circumstances. Traveling often involves stepping out of one’s comfort zone, which can trigger feelings of isolation or homesickness. However, it’s essential to recognize that loneliness is temporary and can be managed with time and effort.

3. How can I cope with loneliness while traveling alone?

Coping with loneliness while traveling alone requires proactive measures to engage with your surroundings and connect with others. Consider joining group tours, attending local events or meetups, or staying in social accommodations like hostels where you can meet fellow travelers. Additionally, maintaining regular communication with friends and family back home can provide emotional support during solo travel.

4. What if I feel lonely despite being surrounded by people?

Feeling lonely despite being surrounded by people is not uncommon and can occur when social interactions lack depth or meaning. In such cases, focus on building meaningful connections rather than merely seeking company. Engage in activities aligned with your interests and values, which can facilitate more meaningful interactions and alleviate feelings of loneliness.

5. How can I make friends while living abroad in a new city?

Making friends while living abroad in a new city requires effort and initiative. Start by exploring local communities, joining clubs or organizations related to your hobbies or interests, and attending social events or gatherings. Be open to meeting new people and initiate conversations, whether it’s with neighbors, coworkers, or fellow expatriates.

I’m Venessa Ruybal, the passionate traveler behind this blog, and I invite you to join me on a quest to delve deeper into the heart of destinations near and far.

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